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Rembrandt by Himself. National Gallery Publications, 1999. Hardback. 20 euro
Rembrandt, la luz de la sombra. Catalogue of the exhibition of his engravings. Paperback. Fundació Caixa Catalunya. 10 euro
Pascal Bonafoux, “A weekend with Rembrandt”. SKIRA, 1992. Hardback. 10 euro
100 works of art of the Prado Museum, Madrid. Paperback. 20 euro
Aby Warburg, “Atlas Mnemosyne”. Akal, arte y estética, 2003. 20 euro
Valeriano Bozal “Pinturas negras de Goya”. Machado, 2009. 10 euro
Tim Marlow “Egon Schiele” (eng). 37x27cm. Magna Books. Hardcover. 10 euro
SOLD!!! Louise Bourgeois “Distruzione del padre, ricostruzione del padre. Scritti e interviste. Quodlibet, 2009. 10 euro