I work with photography in a corporate, commercial, private and spiritual field.

I’m an expert and passionate about photographic portraits, I create experiences and projects where people can reflect on their inner world, becoming aware of their natural beauty. In 2017 I obtained the title of facilitator of The Self Portrait Experience (SPEX) method, with the Catalan artist Cristina Nuñez. I have held several workshops with the SPEX method, two complete workshops (Theatre Group by Giorgia Graziano, Associazione La Nostra Famiglia di Bosisio Parini) and four introductory ones (Associazione La Nostra Famiglia di Bosisio Parini, Noi genitori onlus, Rigamonti Francesco spa, Eni spa Milano).

I believe in the power of images to develop self-assertion and evolution, as well as empathy towards forms of beauty different from one’s own.

For this reason, I also conduct sessions with high school students and in situations of disability, illness and social discomfort.

I have trained as a teacher in the social and school environment.

In 2006 I graduated in Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, after a six-month residential internship at the Kartell Museum, with an anthological thesis Olaf von Bohr, design of pure function, which gave life to the homonymous exhibition at the Austrian Forum of Culture in Milan, of which I was curator together with Elisabeth Bohr.

In 2018/19 I successfully attended the Analogical and Digital Photography Course at the Bauer School in Milan.

Today, besides working as a photographer, I am employed in the Faculty of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences at the Bicocca University of Milan.

I exclusively work in Italian.
