I am a psychologist, an art therapist, a SPEX facilitator and co-founder of NetFo (Network  Italiano di Fototerapia, Fotografia Terapeutica e Fotografia Sociale).

I was born in Ragusa (Sicily), I trained as a psychologist in Rome at the University La Sapienza, developing a part of my practice in Finland. In 2010 I discovered The Self-Portrait Experience and I trained as a facilitator of the method. Right after that I moved to Peru for a year working as a development worker, where I decided to apply the method in various contexts: in shelters with children and adolescents, in women’s and children’s prisons. In 2012 I moved to Madrid to study art therapy, and then I decided to settle down in Spain. In 2013 I approached participatory filmmaking and began to develop several projects aimed at migrants, women, older people, adolescents, people with intellectual disabilities, with mental illness, creating films / short films / documentaries araising from the ideas of the participants. In 2019 I approached social theater and undertook training in this area.

In the last years I have participated in several research projects in collaboration with the Universidad Complutense, as part of the research group “Applications of Art in Social Integration: Art, Therapy and Artistic Education for Inclusion”.

I currently coordinate art therapy, therapeutic photography, phototherapy, participatory film and social theatre projects both as a facilitator and as a trainer, in Italy and Spain, mainly in the clinical and social fields.

I use SPEX in various contexts: education, business and with people at risk of social exclusion in general.

I work In Italian and in Spanish.